A downloadable game

Build up your light score as big as you can. Game ends when too many eyes build up in the dark. Use your flash to clear the screen

WASD to move

left click to charge your light (if you have light score)

right click to enter wiring minigame, or to activate your flash if you are above half charged up

space to ping the walls and the closest wiring minigame 

Inside the minigame, the idea is to connect the green start square to the red anchors. Cables can only be started from the green square, or a cell which a cable is already connected to. Build a maze around the green square with the pieces on the right.  You can bulk select pieces by holding shift.  You want to try and put the yellow points on the red anchors to triple their value, if possible. 

Once the maze is built, hit enter to start placing cables in the maze. 

Click on the green square to start your first cable. Cables can be connected to any cell within a certain range. A new cable can be started from any cell that already has a cable connected to it. Right click to destroy the cable you are currently holding. 

Published 8 days ago


Horror Project.zip 4.4 MB

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